Many people have heard of dental implants, but don’t know exactly what they are. If you are missing a tooth dental implants may be an option for you. Implants are made up of three components the anchor which is surgically imbedded into the bone, a post to which the tooth attaches and the artificial tooth. Implants are used to replace missing teeth, help support a partial or denture or can be attached to a denture. Not everyone is a candidate for dental implants. Since dental implants require surgery, you must be in good health, have healthy gums, have enough bone to support the implant and be committed to a good oral hygiene routine. You may be asking yourself are dental implants right for me? To find out if they are an option for you we would need to see you for a complete oral evaluation. Not only do we need to make sure dentally they are right for you but medically as well.