Each state has regulations on piercings. It is very important you find a professional who can answer your questions. They should always use a fresh needle and instruments that are sterilized in an autoclave which uses extreme heat, to avoid risk of serious infection such as HIV and Hepatitis. Since some people have allergies to certain metals be sure a surgical-grade stainless steel is used so as not to have any complications. The most common problems within the mouth linked to oral piercings is fractured teeth. If the fracture goes deep enough into your tooth you may need a root canal or an extraction. These piercings have also caused chipped teeth while talking, sleeping and chewing! Some serious complications that can occur from oral piercings are swelling of the tongue indicating an infection. If this happens you may not be able to breathe. Constant rubbing of the barbell can cause gum recession. To help avoid any dental complications we recommend removing the jewelry every time you eat and sleep. Always keep your mouth clean by brushing and using an antiseptic mouthwash after each meal!
